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Environmental Management Policy

SEMIRARA MINING & POWER CORPORATION believes that the host Environment is a valuable resource that needs to be protected and enriched and it recognizes environmental performance as a factor to its successful operations. Considering itself a member of the Semirara Island community, it commits to prevent, reduce or mitigate the impact of its operation and activities, and to contribute to sustainable economic development through environmental best practices.

To achieve this, we commit to;

  1. Comply with all compliance obligation and standards to which we subscribe.
  2. Employ best practices in mining to minimize environmental destruction and degradation, measuring and remediating impact of its operation and activities.
  3. Conserve, rehabilitate, and/ or apply mitigating measures in its operations and activities, particularly those impacting land, air, water, biodiversity, and other natural resources, so as not to endanger the host environment and community. 
  4. Minimize generation of both domestic and industrial wastes, properly handling same, including hazardous materials, at all levels and all areas of operations.
  5. Continual improvement of its environmental management system and procedures, staying proactive in identifying environmental hazards and impacts to enhance company’s environmental performance.
  6. Adopting climate change mitigation to reduce company’s carbon footprint.
  7. Train on the company environmental policy, management system and procedures all employees and all working in its behalf to improve corporate environmental performance.
  8. Work with the host communities and various stakeholders including guests in promoting environmental sustainability where it operates.


This policy shall be communicated to the entire corporate workforce as well as visitors and relevant and interested stakeholders. They are in turn, encouraged to report environmental hazards and environmental impact observations, and incidents to the Environmental Management Team, without fear of repression, reprimand or intimidation.